10 October 2023

I know misery

Growing up in an impoverished family with an unemployed father led to significant hardships for Khuthaza. At the age of 19, he left his home country and relocated to South Africa where he met his wife.

Later on, his wife’s health took a severe downturn. She was in and out of the hospital. She was unable to sleep at night and experienced intense pain in her left breast and leg. Khuthaza and his wife turned to the Universal Church in the Holy Ground for help. Though their participation and faithfulness in the chains of prayers, they witnessed the power of God.

“Not only did God heal my wife, He also blessed us in our finances. I bought land to build a three-bedroom house for my family and I also bought a car. My faithfulness to God paid off and I am confident that He will continue to bless us abundantly. God has protected my family from any form of harm, demonstrating His incredible faithfulness. My life is what it is today because of Him,” said Khuthaza.