03 August 2022

Enslaved by dagga addiction

Smoking dagga seemed to be the only way for John to escape his problems until he learnt about the power of faith and how it could transform his life.

“I was in college and all my friends smoked dagga. It was not long before I joined them and started smoking as well. Whenever I faced challenges, I smoked to escape reality.

In 2016, I met my girlfriend and she made it clear to me that she did not want to get involved with someone who smoked. I tried to quit smoking for about two years because I wanted to impress her. When we started facing difficulties in our relationship, I turned back to dagga.

I could not stop smoking and I lied to my girlfriend about my addiction. She thought I was no longer addicted. I was already attending services in the Universal Church, but I was not committed to God. I knew that I did not want to be the person I was any more.

I took part in the chains of prayers for my deliverance from dagga addiction. Because I wanted to take my relationship with God seriously, I decided to stop doing everything that displeased God. I vowed to changed my life and focus on growing spiritually.

I applied the teachings that I received and I used my faith to fight for my life to change. I remember in one service, I sought the Holy Spirit. I prayed and asked God to guide me, I poured my heart out to Him. I felt so much peace. I knew that God was with me and from then on, I never looked back.

Today, I am completely free from my dagga addiction. I am now a married man and I have a good job. I live a good life because God is in control,” said John.