26 June 2023

Controlled by addiction

“I was a womaniser and an alcoholic. I had a good job and salary but I did not see where my money was going because I spent it all on alcohol. I could not sleep without drinking alcohol. I drank excessively everyday.

I also had family problems. We constantly fought and hated each other. My brother and I did not get along with our father. This affected me a great deal. I became short-tempered. Once, I was imprisoned after a fight with a neighbour over a woman. I spent a month in jail.

After being released, I was looking for another job when I came across a Stop Suffering newspaper from the Universal Church. I picked it up and when I arrived home, I read it. I decided to look for the church and started attending the services.

I participated in the chains of prayers for my deliverance from addiction and for God to restore my family. I spoke to the pastor and told him that I was struggling to quit my addiction. He prayed for me and advised me to persevere in the chains of prayers. I stopped drinking alcohol and I committed my life to God. 

Presently, I am free from addiction. Even when there is a function at work, I do not touch alcohol. I am a very calm person and I no longer fight with people. The peace in my family was restored and we are more united than ever. I am enjoying my life in the presence of God,” said Ronald.