27 June 2023

In search of a way out

“I had nightmares every night. I was always tired because of a lack of sleep. At work, I struggled to focus. I was miserable and unhappy. I did not know where to find help.

It felt like I was carrying a heavy load on my shoulders. Nothing in my life was going right. I once went to buy poison because I wanted to end my life, but I did not have enough courage to drink the poison.

I used to pass in front of the Universal Church whenever I went to buy groceries. I heard people singing, so one day I decided to go inside to see if I could find help. I attended a service there and after the prayer, I felt like the heavy load had been lifted off my shoulders. After the service I spoke to the pastor who advised me to engage in the chain of prayer on Fridays for my deliverance.

I took part in the chain of prayer and I believed that God would deliver me from the nightmares and suicidal thoughts. I started seeing great changes in my life. I stopped having nightmares and suicidal thoughts. I attended the Wednesday and Sunday services. I understood that I had to develop my relationship with God because only He could transform my life completely.

Today, I live a fulfilled life and I am delighted. I sleep peacefully and I am no longer miserable. I am in the church with my children and we are blessed. I found true freedom in the presence of God,” said Bridget.