27 July 2023

From desperation to victory

“When I turned 18, my girlfriend became pregnant, and I had to leave school to find work. It was a constant struggle to pay rent and provide for my family.

During this challenging time, my wife consistently invited me to attend services in the Universal Church. Although I initially only dropped her off and went home, circumstances changed when I was assigned to a distant work site. I had to borrow money for transportation. It was at this point that I started attending services in the church.

Over time, I was baptised in water because I realised that I had to start a new life with God. I attended the Wednesday and Sunday services for my spiritual development. I prayed, read my Bible and fasted. I once went to the church and determined that I would not leave without the Holy Spirit. I told God that I was tired of living a miserable life, devoid of His presence. I received the Holy Spirit and everything changed from that day.

However, a new challenge arose when my son fell ill. Despite praying for him, there was no improvement in his condition. In desperation, I made a vow to God and placed my sacrifice on the altar, firmly trusting that God would heal my son, even though I did not know how it would happen. Miraculously, my son was discharged from the hospital, completely healed.

I left my job and found another one, only to face a predicament with the revenue services. They claimed that I had not filed my taxes and started deducting money, plunging me back into financial hardship. I had to endure a two-hour walk to and from work, but even that couldn't dampen my joy.

The Campaign of Israel was introduced and I saw that as an opportunity to change my humiliating situation. After I fulfilled my vow, the challenges were still there.

We were evicted from our flat because of unpaid rent. We had no choice but to move in with my mother in the township for a month. However, when I revisited my previous workplace, I discovered that they had not been paying the appropriate taxes to the revenue services. They had to refund the money owed to me, which we used to settle our rent arrears. I then found a new job where I was provided with my own office and a company car.