06 July 2023

I wanted to end it all

Although Mbali was raised in a good family and attended services in the Universal Church, she was not entirely obedient to the teachings she was given.   After her aunt’s untimely passing, she slipped into depression, and that is when she realised that she was very far from the presence of God.

“I felt empty and had low self-esteem. I had so much pain inside of me and was very sad. I felt hopeless and read a lot of books to escape my sad reality. I contemplated suicide for days on end. I blamed my uncle for my aunt’s passing because I believed that he was the one who stressed her so much that she had heart complications. My life was spiralling out of control and that was when I realised that I desperately needed God in my life.

The 21-day Fast of Daniel was introduced in the church and I knew that it would be a great opportunity to have a personal relationship with God. I decided to let go of the grudge I held against my uncle and I forgave him. I committed myself to the fast. I sought the Holy Spirit every day. On the last day of the fast, I surrendered my life to God. I felt lighter and was beaming with joy. I had the assurance that God was with me.

My life is complete. I no longer feel a void and am very confident. I do not have any pain inside me. I am not depressed or suicidal because I found my purpose in life. I am certain of my future because I know that God will be with me every step of the way,” said Mbali.