18 September 2023

Poverty to prosperity

“My family and I lived in poverty. Our cramped two-bedroomed house housed many people, but there was no income as no one there had a job. I would see other children with new clothes and toys, while we struggled to have electricity and sometimes had to rely on feeding schemes or wait at the school fence for a meal from my mother. It was a constant battle to understand why everyone else seemed happy while we suffered.

These challenges took a toll on my academic performance. Hunger, bullying, and harsh teachers made it difficult to concentrate at school. One of the worst moments was when I attempted suicide as a teenager due to constant bullying and rejection. I remember once when I went to my friend’s house, her father let me in and he locked me in the house. He started undressing me against my will. I pleaded with him to let me go and he eventually did. The pain and confusion were unbearable, but I found solace in confiding in my honest and supportive mother.

The turning point came when my mother was invited to attend services in the Universal Church. I noticed a change in her, as she was able to provide for us and meet our needs. Eventually, she encouraged me to attend the church services alone. The church welcomed me without judgment or criticism, and through attending services and praying, I started to know God on a personal level.

The teachings and guidance offered in church helped me navigate the challenges of life, and I found comfort in the presence of God. As my life improved, I grew stronger inside.

I am now married and have a family of my own and I teach my children the power of prayer. I no longer feel rejected and I do not live in pain. In God, I have found peace and I have the assurance that He is always there, listening and guiding me,” said Delphine.