06 July 2023

Angry, Rejected and Suicidal

“I was raised by my father and grandmother. I had anger towards my mother because she was absent from my life. I felt rejected by her. I tried to commit suicide several times. When I was seven years old, I went to a river and tried to drown myself but there was a man who stopped me.

After my father passed on, my mother came and took me to live with her. Although she explained why she had been absent from my life, I was still angry with her. She was attending services in the Universal Church and invited me to go with her. In the church, I committed myself in the youth group and I also engaged in the chains of prayers on Wednesdays and Fridays. I was assigned an assistant who helped me until I was delivered from anger and depression.

After a few years, I became an assistant and I seemed to be heading in the right direction until I made friends with the wrong crowd. I started talking badly about other church members and I became promiscuous. I knew that I did not have the presence of God and I wanted to change. I stopped being promiscuous and badmouthing other people. I got baptised in water to symbolise my decision to start a new life with God.

I also participated in the 21-day Fast of Daniel and used that opportunity to grow spiritually. It was during a Sunday service when I poured out my heart to God and sought His presence wholeheartedly. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and relief.

I am no longer angry and I do not feel rejected. I am no longer suicidal. I am happily married. The Holy Spirit guides me in everything I do and the transformation in my life was only possible through Him,” said Joyce.