27 July 2023

Finding peace within

“I was raised by both parents. My mother was not working and when my father lost all his pension money, we suffered a great deal. My mother brought a Stop Suffering newspaper home and gave it to my father. That was when we started attending services in the Universal church.

When I started working, I had money to afford certain things. I started going to parties and drinking. My life became stuck because I could not achieve anything. I was in the church but I had a dual personality. I did not want to commit my life to God, but I was afraid of dying because I knew that the way I lived did not please God.

I later got married but I was anxious. I had anger issues and low self-esteem. I also had a lot of debts. In 2020, I lost my mother and husband. The following year, my father passed on. I realised that I could not live without God’s presence.

When the Campaign of Israel was introduced, the fast was also introduced. I knew I had to let go of everything that separated me from God. I resented my sister, so I called her and made peace with her. I took all that I had and placed it on the altar. I surrendered my life to God. I had the assurance that God was going to show Himself in my life. I sought the Holy Spirit, I was not after blessings but I only wanted the presence of God. One night, while I was seeking the Holy Spirit, I had an overwhelming sense of peace that I had never experienced in my life. I was filled with joy.

I no longer have a dual personality or feel anxiety, anger and low self-esteem. I am currently studying to improve my construction business. I am now living a life free of debts. I have my own house and car. I have everything I need because God is my provider,” said Eglette.